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Cotutelles and co-directions


Reference text: Decree of 6 January 2005 on the international co-supervision of thesis

The cotutelle of thesis makes it possible to favor the scientific cooperation and the mobility of the doctoral students. Young researchers have the opportunity to present a thesis in co-supervision.

This procedure, open to universities and higher education institutions aims to establish and develop scientific cooperation between French and foreign research teams by promoting the mobility of doctoral students.

Applicants for a cotutelle carry out their work under the control and responsibility of a thesis supervisor in each of the two countries concerned.

Each cotutelle takes place within the framework of an agreement binding the two institutions and implying the principle of reciprocity. A copy of the convention in French is mandatory, other copies may be in the language of the partner country.

A copy of the convention in French is mandatory, the other copies may be in the language of the partner country. The agreements will pass through the office of the Research Directorate.


Contact personn :

Direction de la recherche - Pôle International
Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 13 95


A thesis can be prepared with two thesis supervisors for different reasons:

  • the thesis subject straddles two specialties or requires the support of a different discipline
  • the prospective thesis supervisor will support his HDR within 6 months of the PhD student's first PhD enrollment

The internal co-management at the University of Strasbourg does not require the establishment of an agreement, but the co-director is to be informed in the registration and re-registration forms.

The co-management outside the University of Strasbourg requires the establishment of a framework agreement to be completed and signed.