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Council of the Doctoral School

The doctoral school council meets three times a year.

The composition as at 1 January 2018 is as follows :

Head of the doctoral school

  • Thomas Noël

Deputy head of the doctoral school

  • Christophe Lallement

11 teacher-researchers or researchers

  • Fabrice Heitz (ICube), director
  • Charles Frances (IRMA), director
  • Michel Basset (IRIMAS - UHA)
  • Omar Harzallah (LPMT - UHA)
  • Edouard Laroche (ICube-DIRTS)
  • Alexandru Oancea (IRMA, Mathématiques)
  • Germain Forestier (IRIMAS - UHA)
  • Wilfried Uhring (ICube-DESSP)
  • Yannick Hoarau (ICube-DM)
  • Caroline Essert (ICube-DIR)
  • Etienne Birmelé (Mathématiques) ou Pierre Baumann (Mathématiques) ou Philippe Helluy (Mathématiques)

2 representatives of IATOS staff

  • Matthieu Boileau, Ingénieur CNRS, IRMA
  • Mathieu Cordonnier, Technicien, UHA

5 doctoral members (1 member per major discipline from the doctoral school)

  • Alex Podgorny (Mathématiques)
  • Quentin Christoffel (Informatique)
  • Farid Mahfoud (Electronique et photonique)
  • Dylan Meckes (Signal, image, automatique, robotique et télédétection)
  • Quentin Ehret (Mathématiques)

5 external personalities from the scientific, industrial and socio-economic fields

  • Salah Mehdi (Université de Lorraine)
  • Abbas Dandache (Université de Lorraine)
  • Dominique Mery (Loria)
  • Mathieu Jenny (LEMTA - ENSEM)
  • Damien Boll, DIRES, Région Alsace

2 invited members (serving in an advisory capacity)

  • 2 representative of the socio-economic world
    • Françoise Liautaud, CETIM-CERMAT (Mulhouse)
    • Jean-Pierre Chambard, Holo 3 (Saint Louis), director
  • 3 representatives of the institutions
    • Vice-President "Research and Doctoral Training" of the University of Haute-Alsace : Sylvie Rivot
    • INSA-S : Pierre Grussenmeyer, director of research at INSA Strasbourg
    • ENGEES : Florence Le Ber, director of research at ENGEES
  • 3 representatives of the doctoral schools of interface (and outside the University of Strasbourg)
    • Doctoral School Physics and Physical Chemistry, University of Strasbourg : Aziz Dinia, director
    • STUES Doctoral School, University of Strasbourg : Jérôme Van Der Woerd, director
    • Representative of CDE branch at UHA, SPI Cluster : Dominique Berling